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AT_church_19xx_Wien, IV. Karlskirche, erbaut durch Johann Bernhard Fischer.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_church_19xx_Wien, IV. Karlskirche, erbaut durch Johann Bernhard Fischer UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_mountain_19xx_Pertisau CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_mountain_1948_Zimba UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Augartenstrasse, Wien BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Augartenstrasse, Wien BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Berghotel Oberbaue.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Berghotel Oberbaue UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Feldkirch - Schloss-Hof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Feldkirch - Schloss-Hof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Feldkirch - Schloss Schotenburg Burgstuble.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Feldkirch - Schloss Schotenburg Burgstuble UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Gesamtansicht von Wien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Gesamtansicht von Wien UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Graz. Hilmteich.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Graz. Hilmteich CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Gruss aus Oberwart.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Gruss aus Oberwart CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Hungerburgbahn mit Innsbruck gegen Suden.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Hungerburgbahn mit Innsbruck gegen Suden UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien-Strasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien-Strasse UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck, Triumphpforte.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck, Triumphpforte UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck-Hungerburg mit Nordkettenbahn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck-Hungerburg mit Nordkettenbahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Innbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Innbrucke UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Sillfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Sillfall UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

At_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Triumphpforte.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

At_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Triumphpforte UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Wilten, Stiftskirche u. Friedhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck - Wilten, Stiftskirche u. Friedhof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck. Herzog-Friedrichstrasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck. Herzog-Friedrichstrasse UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck Blick gegen Martinswand.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Innsbruck Blick gegen Martinswand UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Kaltenleutgeben CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Kindererholungsheim Lehenhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Kindererholungsheim Lehenhof CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Klosterneuburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Maria-Theresien-Strasse in Innsbruck.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Maria-Theresien-Strasse in Innsbruck UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Nohe Warte BKW publisher (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Nohe Warte BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Nohe Warte BKW publisher UNC (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Nohe Warte BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Rattenberg Stadtansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Rattenberg Stadtansicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salsburg CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg - Gaisberg-Plateau hotel postmark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg - Gaisberg-Plateau hotel postmark UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg Bad Gastein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg Bad Gastein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg Dom und Jedermann-Festspiel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg Dom und Jedermann-Festspiel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg im Winter.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzburg im Winter UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzkammergut Bad Ischl.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Salzkammergut Bad Ischl UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Semmering, Hotel Sudbahn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Semmering, Hotel Sudbahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Sommerfrische Gutenstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Sommerfrische Gutenstein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_St. Gilgen am Wolfgangsee hotel postmark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_St. Gilgen am Wolfgangsee hotel postmark UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Statuen in der Hofkirche zu Innsbruck, linke Seite.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Statuen in der Hofkirche zu Innsbruck, linke Seite UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Strandhotel und Strandbad Neumarkt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Strandhotel und Strandbad Neumarkt UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Velden am Worthersee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Velden am Worthersee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vermunttal Stausee - Litznergruppe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vermunttal Stausee - Litznergruppe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vienna Hotels - Graben Hotel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vienna Hotels - Graben Hotel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vienna Hotels - Hotel Regina.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Vienna Hotels - Hotel Regina UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Villach Hauptplatz mit Goritzen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Villach Hauptplatz mit Goritzen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wallfahrtskirche MARIAZELL additional postmark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wallfahrtskirche MARIAZELL additional postmark CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Belvedere BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Belvedere BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Etablissement Ronacher BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Etablissement Ronacher BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Freiheitsplatz mit Votivkirche BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Freiheitsplatz mit Votivkirche BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Hofburg BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Hofburg BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Hofburg BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Hofburg BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Karntnerstrabe, Ecke Ring BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Karntnerstrabe, Ecke Ring BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Panorama BKWI (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Panorama BKWI (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Panorama BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Panorama BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Rathaus color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Rathaus color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Riesenrad BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Riesenrad BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Ring des 12. November mit Parlament BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Ring des 12. November mit Parlament BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Schottenring mit Borse BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Schottenring mit Borse BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Stadiongasse BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Stadiongasse BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Stephansdom BKWI.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien, Stephansdom BKWI UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien - Praterstern und Nordbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien - Praterstern und Nordbahnhof CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Am Hof BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Am Hof BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Auberes Burgtor BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Auberes Burgtor BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wiener Cottage-Sanatorium XVIII BKW publisher (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wiener Cottage-Sanatorium XVIII BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wiener Cottage-Sanatorium XVIII BKW publisher UNC (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wiener Cottage-Sanatorium XVIII BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. K. K. Hofmuseum.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. K. K. Hofmuseum CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. Parlaments-Brunnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. Parlaments-Brunnen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien I. Rathaus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien II. Prater Hauptallee color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien II. Prater Hauptallee color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien IV. Karlsplatz BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien IV. Karlsplatz BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Marienbrucke mit Marien-Statue damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Marienbrucke mit Marien-Statue damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Rathaus BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Rathaus BKW publisher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Schloss Belvedere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Schloss Belvedere UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Schonbrunn mit Gloriette.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Schonbrunn mit Gloriette UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Stephansdom color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Stephansdom color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Volksgarten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Volksgarten CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Wien Schonbrunn Schloss.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Wien Wien Schonbrunn Schloss CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Ybbs an der Donau color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_19xx_Ybbs an der Donau color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Durnstein aDonau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Durnstein aDonau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Grub von der schonen blauen Donau damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Grub von der schonen blauen Donau damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Gruss aus Salzburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Gruss aus Salzburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Gruss aus Wien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Gruss aus Wien UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Wien-Schonbrunn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Wien Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_190x_Wien Rathaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1903_Wien Dom- und Metropolitankirche zu St. Stefan.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1903_Wien Dom- und Metropolitankirche zu St. Stefan CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1903_Wien Prater. Konstantinhugel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1903_Wien Prater. Konstantinhugel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1906_Wien Goethe-Denkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1906_Wien Goethe-Denkmal CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1908_Wien Franzensring.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1908_Wien Franzensring CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1908_Wien Justizpalast.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1908_Wien Justizpalast CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1909_Votivkirche, Wien BKW publisher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1909_Votivkirche, Wien BKW publisher CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1922_Baden bei Wien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1922_Baden bei Wien CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1939_Wien Totale m. Hochhaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

AT_place_1939_Wien Totale m. Hochhaus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1900-1961_Traditional Gathering with Ritual Attire.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1900-1961_Traditional Gathering with Ritual Attire UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1905_Charbonnage Groupe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1905_Charbonnage Groupe CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1914_Jeune Laitiere Flamande.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_People_1914_Jeune Laitiere Flamande CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Bouillon, Pont de Liege et Centre de la Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Bouillon, Pont de Liege et Centre de la Ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Le Chateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Le Chateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Le Pont de France et Hotel du Pont de France.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Le Pont de France et Hotel du Pont de France UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Vue sur la Semois et sur la Route de Corbion.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Vue sur la Semois et sur la Route de Corbion UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Vue sur le Pont de France prise de la Voute du Chateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_BOUILLON - Vue sur le Pont de France prise de la Voute du Chateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Bouvignes, Les ruines de Crevecoeur.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Bouvignes, Les ruines de Crevecoeur UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Dinant, Depart du bateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Dinant, Depart du bateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Dinant, Le Tunnel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Dinant, Le Tunnel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grand Viaduc de Moresnet.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grand Viaduc de Moresnet UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Han. Le Boudoir de Proserpine.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Han. Le Boudoir de Proserpine UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Han. Le Lac Embarquement.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Han. Le Lac Embarquement UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Entree de la Salle du Sabbat.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Entree de la Salle du Sabbat UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. La pierre du sacrifice.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. La pierre du sacrifice UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. La Salle du Sabbat.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. La Salle du Sabbat UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le palais de Bagdad (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le palais de Bagdad (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le palais de Bagdad.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le palais de Bagdad UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le trou Maugis.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Grotte de Rochefort. Le trou Maugis UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Heer-Agimont La Douane belge.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Heer-Agimont La Douane belge UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Houx, Les Ruines de Polivache (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Houx, Les Ruines de Polivache (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Houx, Les Ruines de Polivache.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Houx, Les Ruines de Polivache UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_La Plante.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_La Plante UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Lustin Les Rochers et le Tunnel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Lustin Les Rochers et le Tunnel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur, Depart des Bateaux touristiques.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur, Depart des Bateaux touristiques UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur, Pont de Jambes et Citadelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur, Pont de Jambes et Citadelle BE.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur-Citadelle, Chateau des Comtes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Namur-Citadelle, Chateau des Comtes UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Profondeville, Les Rochers de Frenes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Profondeville, Les Rochers de Frenes UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rochefort. La Lomme.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rochefort. La Lomme UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rochefort. Route de Jemelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rochefort. Route de Jemelle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rouillon-Annevoie, La Meuse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Rouillon-Annevoie, La Meuse UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_SALUT DE MORESNET - Panorama de la Chapelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_SALUT DE MORESNET - Panorama de la Chapelle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Tailfer, La Meuse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Tailfer, La Meuse UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Wepion, La Meuse et les Rochers de Neuviau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Wepion, La Meuse et les Rochers de Neuviau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Wepion, Les Rochers de Neuviau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_19xx_Wepion, Les Rochers de Neuviau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Roche a Bayard (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Roche a Bayard (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Roche a Bayard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Roche a Bayard UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Vue Generale (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Vue Generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Vue Generale UNC (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Dinant, Vue Generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Hotel de Ville et Hotel des Postes pendant la guerre 1914-18 UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_191x_Hotel de Ville et Hotel des Postes pendant la guerre 1914-18.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Anseremme. Le Tunnel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Fontaine de Brouckere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Gare du Nord.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-La Tour Chinoise.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Le Petit Sablon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Palais de Justice.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Parc de Laeken.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Place Anneessens.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Place de la Bourse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Place des Martyrs.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles-Ste. Gudule.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Eglise du Sablon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Grand Place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Hotel de Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Hotel de Ville color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. La Bibliotheque Royale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. La Bourse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. La Maison des Ducs.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. La Maison du Roi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Le Grand Place color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Le Jardin Botanique.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Le Monument Anspach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Maison des Boulangers.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Manneken - Pis.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Bruxelles. Palais de Justice color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Alhambra.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Entree de la Salle des Sources.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Entree de la Salle du Dome.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Entree des Mysterieuses.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Grande Draperie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Grotte de Hiver.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Lesse la Sortie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Mosquee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Salle du Precipice.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. La Salle du Trone.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Boudoir de Proserpine.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Gouffre de Belvaux.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Lac Embarquement.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Pont de la Salle Armes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Tonneau des Danaides.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Le Trophee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Caves. Grotte de Han. Un coin des Mysterieuses.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant Chateau de Walzin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant Dans la vallee Fond de Leffe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant La Meuse et le Chateau de Freyr.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant La Meuse vers Anseremme.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant Le pont Anseremme.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant Le Rocher Bayard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Dinant Place de la Tete Or et grand place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Esneux - Chemin de Fechereux Hony.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_ESNEUX - Panorama des Trois-Couronnes. Ed. Coune.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_ESNEUX - SORTIE DE LA GARE. Edit. E. Coune 9113.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Freyr Le Coude de la Meuse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_IMG_Spa. Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_La Gileppe. Chute du barrage.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_La Gileppe. Le Pont et le Lac.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege - Charlemagne.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege - Cour du Palais de Justice.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege - Rue des Guillemins.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege. Boulevard de la Sauveniere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege. Cour du Palais de Justice. E. Dumont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege. Le Pont de Fragnee. E. Dumont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege. Montagne de Bueren. E. Dumont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Liege. Place St. Lambert.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Namur Waulsort Les Rochers.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Sart-lez-Spa. A Horgnee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_SOUVENIR ESNEUX. Panorama vu des roches. Edit. E. C. n45.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Chateau Rouma. L. Lagarce.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Etablissement des Bains.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Interieur du Pouhon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. LA CASCADE MONUMENTALE (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. La Cascade Monumentale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_SPA. MONUMENT ORLEANS.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Promenade des Artistes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Promenade des Artistes. Nels, Bruxelles Serie 27 No. 1.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Route de la Sauveniere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa. Vue Generale de Spa.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_SPA Avenue du Marteau. Villa de feu S. M. la Reine der.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa forest.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa forest 2.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Spa river.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Trois-Ponts. Avenue de la Gare. Edit. Wayaffe Trois-Ponts (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Trois-Ponts. Avenue de la Gare. Edit. Wayaffe Trois-Ponts.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Vallee de la Meuse - DINANT-sur-MEUSE - La Roche Bayard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1949_Vallee de la Meuse - DINANT-sur-MEUSE - Rochers Bayard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Abbaye de Villers-la-Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Abbaye de Villers-la-Ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Anseremme UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Audenarde La Grand Place et Htel de ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Audenarde La Grand Place et Htel de ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Audenarde UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Beersse Tapijtenfabriek.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Beersse Tapijtenfabriek CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Bonsecours Basilique et Institut des Docteurs Voet et Quintart.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Bonsecours Basilique et Institut des Docteurs Voet et Quintart UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_BONSECOURS Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_BONSECOURS Vue generale CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chateau de Beloeil - Entree.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chateau de Beloeil - Entree UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chateau de Beloeil Une dreve.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chateau de Beloeil Une dreve UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_CHATEAU DE BIOUL.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_CHATEAU DE BIOUL UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chatelineau Etang.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Chatelineau Etang UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Comblain au-Pont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Comblain au-Pont no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Comines College.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Comines College damaged no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Dixmude La Gare.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Dixmude La Gare UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_FLANDRIA. Une vue de la filature - Een zicht der spinnerij.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_FLANDRIA. Une vue de la filature - Een zicht der spinnerij UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Flandria personnel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Flandria personnel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_FLORENVILLE - Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_FLORENVILLE - Panorama unC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Furnes La Gare.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Furnes La Gare UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Genval-les-Eaux Le canotage sur le lac.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Genval-les-Eaux Le canotage sur le lac UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Gilly monument morts.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Gilly monument morts UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Grand Place Square.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Grand Place Square UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Groeten uit Leerbeek.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Groeten uit Leerbeek UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Halle Hal Basiliek en Grote Markt Basilique et Grand Place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Halle Hal Basiliek en Grote Markt Basilique et Grand Place UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hamoir Chateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hamoir Chateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hamoir UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hasselt - Binnenzicht der Statie Interieur de la Gare.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hasselt - Binnenzicht der Statie Interieur de la Gare probabl UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hastiere UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Heer sur Meuse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Heer sur Meuse CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_HOTEL DE AIR PUR Filot-Hamoir.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_HOTEL DE AIR PUR Filot-Hamoir UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hotel de Ville in Charleroi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Hotel de Ville in Charleroi deutches reich stamp CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Kain Saulchoir.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Kain Saulchoir UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Kemmel Chalet Danois a entree du Village.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Kemmel Chalet Danois a entree du Village UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Laeken. Le Pavillon chinois.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Laeken. Le Pavillon chinois UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_La Gare de Lons-le-Saunier.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_La Gare de Lons-le-Saunier UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leerbeek Gemeentehuis school.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leerbeek Gemeentehuis school UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Le Jardin des Colonies - Portal Industries Art Motif - Jardin de Sculpture.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Le Jardin des Colonies - Portal Industries Art Motif - Jardin de Sculpture UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leopoldsburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leuven. Broeikassen van den Kruidtuin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leuven. Broeikassen van den Kruidtuin UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leuze Etablissement des Dames de St. Francois de Sales.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Leuze Etablissement des Dames de St. Francois de Sales UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Lombardsijdelaan UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_machine polir.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_machine polir UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Malmedy - Vallee de la Warche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Malmedy - Vallee de la Warche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_NESSONVAUX. La Vesdre Fraipont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_NESSONVAUX. La Vesdre Fraipont UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Nossegem UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Oblut UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Pulderbosch UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Rochefort UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Rousselare Sint-Hubrechtstraat.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Rousselare Sint-Hubrechtstraat UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Saint-Hubert Le Fourneau Saint-Michel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Saint-Hubert Le Fourneau Saint-Michel no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Scenic Village with Stone Bridge.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Scenic Village with Stone Bridge UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Scheldewindeke. Het Kasteel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Scheldewindeke. Het Kasteel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Scherpenhewel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa - Etablissement des Bains.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa - Etablissement des Bains UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa - La Geronstere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa - La Geronstere UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa Lac Warfaaz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa Lac Warfaaz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa Le Pouhon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Spa Le Pouhon UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Tilff panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Tilff panorama UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Vue des Sept Fontaines sous Rhode-Saint-Genese.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Vue des Sept Fontaines sous Rhode-Saint-Genese CIR no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_waulsort bateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_waulsort bateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Yser Tower IJzertoren - Flemish Memorial.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Yser Tower IJzertoren - Flemish Memorial UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Zwijnaarde - Gemeentehuis met Dorpstraat.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900-1961_Zwijnaarde - Gemeentehuis met Dorpstraat CIR damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900_Souvenir Anseremme.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1900_Souvenir Anseremme CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1901-PERUWELZ. La Gare.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1901-PERUWELZ. La Gare CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1902_Souvenir de Renaix - Le Brul.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1902_Souvenir de Renaix - Le Brul CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1904_Vallee du Samson Route de Maizeret.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1904_Vallee du Samson Route de Maizeret CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1905_Courtrai. La Grand Place et la Tour St. Martin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1905_Courtrai. La Grand Place et la Tour St. Martin CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1905_Gembloux. Chateau des Champs Elysees.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1905_Gembloux. Chateau des Champs Elysees CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1905_Rochefort CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1906_Souvenir Engis.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1906_Souvenir Engis UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1906_TONGEREN Wezelsche Poort.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1906_TONGEREN Wezelsche Poort CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1907_Vielsalm Paysage.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1907_Vielsalm Paysage CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Avenue Leopold.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Avenue Leopold no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Camp de Beverloo Literie Militaire.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Camp de Beverloo Literie Militaire CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1908_Coo - La Cascade.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1908_Coo - La Cascade UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Spa. Promenade de la Carriere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1908_Spa. Promenade de la Carriere UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1910_SPA Le Pouhon Pierre le Grand.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1910_SPA Le Pouhon Pierre le Grand CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1911_Nivelles. Grand Place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1911_Nivelles. Grand Place CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1911_Waterloo Ferme Hougoumont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1911_Waterloo Ferme Hougoumont CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_Bouvignes - Les ruines de Crevecoeur.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_Bouvignes - Les ruines de Crevecoeur CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_Courtrai. La tour des Halles.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_Courtrai. La tour des Halles CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_LAEKEN - Pont rustique.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1912_LAEKEN - Pont rustique CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Monument de la Cliche de Bois.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Monument de la Cliche de Bois UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Place Albeau - Mur Tschoffen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Place Albeau - Mur Tschoffen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Place du faubourg St. Paul.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_place_1914_Dinant, Place du faubourg St. Paul UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1915_Ypres La Grand Place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1915_Ypres La Grand Place no CIR stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1916_Orchies Le Beffrol.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1916_Orchies Le Beffrol UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1917_Moerzeke - Groote Plaats.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1917_Moerzeke - Groote Plaats UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1919_MOERZEKE-CASTEL - Kerk S. Jozef.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1919_MOERZEKE-CASTEL - Kerk S. Jozef no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1921_Cul-des-Sarts La Place.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1921_Cul-des-Sarts La Place CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1923_kasteel van Lefdaeel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1923_kasteel van Lefdaeel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1925_EUPEN Unterstadt-total Vue panoramique de la Ville basse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1925_EUPEN Unterstadt-total Vue panoramique de la Ville basse CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1926_Sourbrodt Gare.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1926_Sourbrodt Gare CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1926_Waulsort Grand Hotel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1926_Waulsort Grand Hotel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1927_CHARLEROI Universite du Travail et Institut Solvay.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1927_CHARLEROI Universite du Travail et Institut Solvay CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1927_Durbuy Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1927_Durbuy Panorama CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1928_Beauraing - Maison communale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1928_Beauraing - Maison communale CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1928_Dvoir Le Tunnel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1928_Dvoir Le Tunnel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1929_HAMOIR - Chateau des Vieux-Fourneaux.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1929_HAMOIR - Chateau des Vieux-Fourneaux UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1931_Kerk CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1931_Libramont - Institut provincial Hygiene.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1931_Libramont - Institut provincial Hygiene CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1939_Kortrijk De Statie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1939_Kortrijk De Statie CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1940_Esschen Kerk St. Antonius.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1940_Esschen Kerk St. Antonius CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1943_Hasselt CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1956_Beauraing no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1957 Puurs. De Kerk.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1957 Puurs. De Kerk CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Place_1961_Bouillon CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1900-1961_Laitiere flamande.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1900-1961_Laitiere flamande CIR no stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1900-1961_Ostende fish market.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1900-1961_Ostende fish market UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1902_La Plage Belge Pecheur de crevettes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BE_Profession_1902_La Plage Belge Pecheur de crevettes CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

BG_place_19xx_Grotte de Han - La Salle des Mamelons.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Bernina-Gruppe u. Morteratsch-Gletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Bernina-Gruppe u. Morteratsch-Gletscher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Berninahauser (2049 m) mit Lawinenzug.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Berninahauser (2049 m) mit Lawinenzug UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Blick von Muottas-Muraigl.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Blick von Muottas-Muraigl UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Bovalhütte gegen P. Palu 3912 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Bovalhütte gegen P. Palu 3912 m UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Der Hahnensee ob St. Moritz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Der Hahnensee ob St. Moritz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Diavolezza Hut (2977 m) with the Piz Palu (3912 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Diavolezza Hut (2977 m) with the Piz Palu (3912 m) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Meter-Sprung von Tufin Thams auf der Olympia Schanze, St. Moritz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Meter-Sprung von Tufin Thams auf der Olympia Schanze, St. Moritz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Morteratsch-Gletscher mit Piz Morteratsch.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Morteratsch-Gletscher mit Piz Morteratsch UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Morteratsch-Gletscher UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Muottas Muraigl (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Muottas Muraigl (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Muottas Muraigl.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Muottas Muraigl UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Sassal Masone (2377 ) Blick gegen Italien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Sassal Masone (2377 ) Blick gegen Italien UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Skifelder mit Bahn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Skifelder mit Bahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Skisport. Doppel Telemark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_Skisport. Doppel Telemark UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_ST. MORITZ. SKILIFT SUVRETTA (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_ST. MORITZ. SKILIFT SUVRETTA (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_St. Moritz mit Meierei.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_St. Moritz mit Meierei UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_St. Moritz Skifelders bei Alp Grialp.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_19xx_St. Moritz Skifelders bei Alp Grialp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_1937_Alp Grüm (2199 m.) Restaurant Belvedere.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_mountain_1937_Alp Grüm (2199 m.) Restaurant Belvedere UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Blick vom Uto-Kulm auf Reppischtal und Berner-Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Blick vom Uto-Kulm auf Reppischtal und Berner-Alpen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Lac Leman. Ile de Salagnon et Dents du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Lac Leman. Ile de Salagnon et Dents du Midi UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux - Le Quai.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux - Le Quai UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux Bon-Port.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux Bon-Port UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux et les Alpes de Savoie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Montreux et les Alpes de Savoie UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Rheinfall bei Neuhausen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Rheinfall bei Neuhausen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. (3) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh..jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. Rathausplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. Rathausplatz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. Stadtbrunnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. Stadtbrunnen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Stein a. Rh. UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Territet. Quai.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Territet. Quai UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_19xx_Urnerloch UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Altdorf Das Telldenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Altdorf Dorfplatz mit Telldenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Andermatt gegen die Furka.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse Flüelen und Bristen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse mit Fluelen und Bristenstock (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse mit Fluelen und Bristenstock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse mit Fluelen und Bristenstock 3074 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse mit Flüelen und Bristenstock (3074 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Axenstrasse mit Gotthardbahn und Urirotstock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Barques du Leman.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Bundesbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Die drei Rheinbrucken mit Munster.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Elisabethenkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Strassburgerdenkmal mit Bahnhot.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Wettsteinbrucke mit Kleinbasel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Basel Wettsteinbrucke u. Munster.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Bern. Kornhausbrucke u. d. Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Bern Die Kornhausbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Bern und die Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Blick ins Rhonethal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Blick v. d. Furka auf Finsteraarhorn 4275 m und Schreckhorn 4080 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Brienzersee - Inseli bei Iseltwald.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Brunnen und die Berge.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Brunnen von der Axenstrabe aus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Burgenstock 170 m hoher Personenaufzug.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Chateau de Chillon et Dents du Midi (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Chateau de Chillon et Dents du Midi (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Chateau de Chillon et Dents du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_CHILLON et la Dent du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Clarens - Chateau du Châtelard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Coucher de Soleil sur le Lac Leman.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Der Rheinfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Der Rheinfall with stamp UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Die Jungfrau (4158 m) vom Eigergletscher aus gesehen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Die Jungfrau (4166 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Die Jungfrau von Interlaken aus gesehen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Die Teufelsbrucke (Gotthard).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Die Teufelsbrucke (Gotthardstrasse).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Ferrovia del Gottardo M. Piotta.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Fluelen am Vierwaldstattersee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Fluelen mit Bristenstock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Fluelen und Bristenstock 3074 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Fluelen und der Bristenstock 3174 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Furka-Grimsel, Auf dem Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Furka-Grimsel - Rhonegletscher mit Nagelisgratli.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Furka-Grimsel-Route - Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Furkahospiz und Galenstock 3598 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Furkastrabe und Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Giessbach (Brienzersee).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gipfel des Galenstocks 3586 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gletsch, Furkastrasse und Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_GLION - Hotels Excelsior, Hollande et Beau-Rivage.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Goeschenen und das Riental.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Goschenen gegen den Dammafirn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn - Brucke bei Amsteg mit Windgelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn - Viaduct Amsteg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn - Wassen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn bei Wassen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn u. Reuss bei Wassen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthard In der Schollenen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardstrasse - Lawinengallerie in den Schollenen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Gotthardstrasse - Schollenen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grimsel der Totensee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grimselhospiz (1875 m) und Nagelisgrätli.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grimsel Hospiz 1875.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grimselstrabe und Handeckfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grimselstrasse - Die Aare zwischen Guttannen-Handeck.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grindelwald Wetterhorn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grindelwald Wetterhorn 3708 m (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grindelwald Wetterhorn 3708 m (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grindelwald Wetterhorn 3708 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Grotte de glace au glacier du Rhone Rhonegletscher - Eingang zur Grotte.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Handeckfall (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Ile de Salagnon au clair de lune.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_INTERLAKEN Hoheweg mit den Hotels Victoria und Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_INTERLAKEN Landingsplatz Moench und Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_INTERLAKEN mit der Jungfrau (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_INTERLAKEN mit der Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Interlaken und Berner Oberland.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_INTERLAKEN und die Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Kandersteg - Die Klus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Kandersteg mit Bluemlisalp.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Kleine Scheidegg mit dem Eiger.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Kleine Scheidegg mit dem Wetterhorn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Kleine Scheidegg mit der Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_La Dent de Jaman.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_La Dent de Jaman et le chemin de fer des Rochers de Naye.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lausanne et les Montagnes de la Savoie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lauterbrunnen - Staubbach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lauterbrunnen. Staubbachfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_LAUTERBRUNNEN mit Staubbachfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lauterbrunnen Trummelbach - Oberer Fall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lauterbrunnen Trümmelbach - Oberer Fall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_LES AVANTS - Col de Sonloup.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_LES AVANTS - et Dent de Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_LES AVANTS - Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Les Rochers de Naye.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Loetschbergbahn Grosser Viadukt bei Frutigen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Lutschine mit Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Hofkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Kapellbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Kursaal mit Palasthotel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Lowendenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Quai.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Quai Kursaal und Hofkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern - Schwanenplatz mit Pilatus (2132 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern Bahnhof Post und Pilatus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern Hotel du Lac und Pilatus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern Promenade u. Pilatus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern und die Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern und Pilatus (2132 m) (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Luzern und Pilatus (2132 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Mannlichen Eiger Moench Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Meiringen. Aareschlucht (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Meiringen. Aareschlucht (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Meiringen. Aareschlucht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Meiringen gegen die Grimsel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Montreux, Clarens et Vevey vus de Glion color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Montreux - La Grand rue.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Montreux - Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Montreux color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren (1642 m) mit Wetterhorn (3703 m) und Eiger (3975 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren (1652 m) color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren - Hotel Floehe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren. Breithorn 3779 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren. Breithorn 3779 m. Tschingelhorn 3581 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murrenbahn mit Eiger (3975 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murrenbahn mit Eiger, Moench und Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren mit der Jungfraugruppe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren und das Breithorn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Murren und Gimmelwald.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Nagelisgratli. Uebergang uber den Rhonegletscher (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Nagelisgratli. Uebergang uber den Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Nagelisgratli und Uebergang uber den Rhonegletscher (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Nagelisgratli und Uebergang uber den Rhonegletscher.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Nagelisgrätli - Gratlisee und Galenstock 3587 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Oberhofen color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Oberhofen mit der Bluemlisalp und dem Stockhorn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Oberhofen mit Eiger, Moench.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Oberhofen mit Eiger, Moench und Jungfrau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Ouchy - Port et Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Partie in Murren (1642 m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Realp mit Furka.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Restaurant zur Teufelsbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Reussfall bei der Teufelsbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall (4).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall (5).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall mit Hotel Schweizerhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall und die Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall und Schloss.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall und Schloss Laufen (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rheinfall und Schloss Laufen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rhonegletscher, Aufstieg zum Nagelisgratli.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rhonegletscher mit Furka u. Grimselstrasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rigi - Felsentor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rigi-Kulm, 1800 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Rigi-Kulm mit den Berneralpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

Ch_Place_1900-1949_Rigibahn und Pilatus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Ruine Tellenburg bei Frutigen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Schaffhausen mit Munot.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Spiez (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Territet-Montreux color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Territet color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Territet et Dent du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_TERRITET et la Dent du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Teufelsbrucke am Gotthard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Thun - Hauptgasse (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Thun - Hauptgasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Thun und die Alpen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Trummelbach, zweiter Fall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vevey - Quai et Mont-Pelerin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vierwaldstattersee Axenstrasse und Fluelen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vierwaldstattersee und Urirotstock 2932 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vitznau (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vitznau Villa Margherita.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vue de Clarens NOK.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vue prise des Rochers de Naye (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vue prise des Rochers de Naye.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vue sur Glion et Dent du Midi (3260m).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Vue sur Montreux, Dent de Jaman et Rochers de Naye.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Wasserfall bei der Teufelsbrucke mit dem Festungswerk Andermatt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Weggis mit Pilatus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Weggis Mitteldorf.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Wengen u. das Lauterbrunnental color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1900-1949_Zurich und die Alpen von der Waid aus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1902_Gotthardstrasse. Teufelsbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1902_Gotthardstrasse. Teufelsbrucke UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Blick vom Rigi-Felsentor (1110 m) auf Burgenstock color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Blick vom Rigi-Felsentor (1110 m) auf Burgenstock color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Fluelen - Neue Kirche gegen die Axenstrasse color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Fluelen - Neue Kirche gegen die Axenstrasse color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Goeschenen gegen den Dammafirn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Goeschenen gegen den Dammafirn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_LAUSANNE. Pont Chauderon et les Alpes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_LAUSANNE. Pont Chauderon et les Alpes UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Le Bouveret - lac Leman.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Le Bouveret - lac Leman UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Luzern. Gletschergarten. Kleiner Gletscher-Topf.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Luzern. Gletschergarten. Kleiner Gletscher-Topf UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Montreux et vue sur le Mont Pelerin color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1912_Montreux et vue sur le Mont Pelerin color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1914_Basel Strassburger Denkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_Place_1914_Basel Strassburger Denkmal CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1929_GLION, Montreux, Clarens.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1929_GLION, Montreux, Clarens UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1929_Glion et Dents du Midi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1929_Glion et Dents du Midi UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1932_Montreux. Vue prise un aeroplane.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1932_Montreux. Vue prise un aeroplane UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_BLICK v. GABRIS 723 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_BLICK v. GABRIS 723 m UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Gais mit Santis.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Gais mit Santis UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Kurort Gais. Kt. App. a. Rh.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Kurort Gais. Kt. App. a. Rh UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Rheinfall bei Schaffhausen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Rheinfall bei Schaffhausen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Schaffhausen. Schifflande und Munot.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Schaffhausen. Schifflande und Munot UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

Ch_place_1934_Schaffhausen Munot.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

Ch_place_1934_Schaffhausen Munot UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Schloss Gottlieben color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_Schloss Gottlieben color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Hechtplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Hechtplatz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Inneres der Klosterkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Inneres der Klosterkirche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Inneres der Stiftsbibliothek.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Inneres der Stiftsbibliothek UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Klosterkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen. Klosterkirche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_place_1934_St. Gallen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_19xx_Berninabahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_19xx_Brunigbahn, Passhoehe color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_19xx_Brunigbahn, Passhoehe color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_19xx_Schweizerische Seethalbahn color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_19xx_Schweizerische Seethalbahn color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn - Tunnelportal Piotta.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_1900-1949_Gotthardbahn im Bahnhof Goeschenen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_1912_Ankunft des Gotthardzuges in Fluelen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_railway_1912_Ankunft des Gotthardzuges in Fluelen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

CH_ship_1900-1949_Thunersee und Stockhornkette.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_celebration_1953_Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_celebration_1953_Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_church_19xx_Marburg a. D. Domplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_church_19xx_Marburg a. D. Domplatz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_people_190x_Schaumburg-Lippische landestracht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_people_190x_Schaumburg-Lippische landestracht CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_people_1934_Uberlingen-Tracht am Bodensee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_people_1934_Uberlingen-Tracht am Bodensee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Aachen. Markt m. Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Aachen. Markt m. Rathaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Aachen. Ponttor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Aachen. Ponttor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Amts- und Landgericht color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Amts- und Landgericht color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bacharach color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bacharach color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bad Muskau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bad Muskau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_BERLIN. Partie am Lustgarten und Circus Busch.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_BERLIN. Partie am Lustgarten und Circus Busch UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_BERLIN. Reichstagsgebaude.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_BERLIN. Reichstagsgebaude UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berlin. Schloss und Nationaldenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berlin. Schloss und Nationaldenkmal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berncastel-Cues - Cusanus-Hospital.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berncastel-Cues - Cusanus-Hospital UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berncastel-Cues an der Mosel. Am Markt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Berncastel-Cues an der Mosel. Am Markt UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bernkasteler Schweiz. Tiefenbachtal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Bernkasteler Schweiz. Tiefenbachtal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Blick durch die mittlere Gasse zum Ausgangstor am Sparrenlech.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Blick durch die mittlere Gasse zum Ausgangstor am Sparrenlech UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Blick vom Rundgang Muchelberg ins Steinbachtal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Blick vom Rundgang Muchelberg ins Steinbachtal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Boppard am Rhein mit Ruine Stahleck color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Boppard am Rhein mit Ruine Stahleck color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Burg Rheinstein a. Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Burg Rheinstein a. Rhein CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cleve. Schwanenburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cleve. Schwanenburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cochem u. Cond a. d. Mosel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cochem u. Cond a. d. Mosel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cues - Bernkastel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Cues - Bernkastel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Der Rhein von Konstanz bis Rheinfall color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Der Rhein von Konstanz bis Rheinfall color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Die Wartburg von Sud-West.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Die Wartburg von Sud-West UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Dresden - Blick von der Kreuzkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Dresden - Blick von der Kreuzkirche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Dresden Koenigliches Opernhaus color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Dresden Koenigliches Opernhaus color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Koenigstrabe und Bismarck-Denkmal color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Koenigstrabe und Bismarck-Denkmal color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Koenigstrasse mit Landgericht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Koenigstrasse mit Landgericht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Landgericht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Landgericht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Rathaus mit Salvator- und Liebfrauenkirche color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Rathaus mit Salvator- und Liebfrauenkirche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Rathaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Stadttheater mit Landgericht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Duisburg. Stadttheater mit Landgericht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Essen (Ruhr) Hauptbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Essen (Ruhr) Hauptbahnhof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN. AN DER BORSE.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN. AN DER BORSE UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN. Stadt. Saalbau color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN. Stadt. Saalbau color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN Handelshof mit Kettwigerstrabe color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ESSEN Handelshof mit Kettwigerstrabe color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_FRANKFURT a. M. - Mainbrucke und Eiserner Steg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_FRANKFURT a. M. - Mainbrucke und Eiserner Steg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_FRANKFURT a. M. mit Sachsenhausen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_FRANKFURT a. M. mit Sachsenhausen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburger Hof Hotel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburger Hof Hotel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburg i. Br winter.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburg i. Br winter UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburg im Breisgau color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Freiburg im Breisgau color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Garmisch-Partenkirchen mit Zugspitzgruppe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Garmisch-Partenkirchen mit Zugspitzgruppe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_GOCH. Marktpartie mit evangl. u. kath. Kirche color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_GOCH. Marktpartie mit evangl. u. kath. Kirche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch. Nierspartie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch. Nierspartie UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch. Steintor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch. Steintor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch i. Rhld. Steintor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Goch i. Rhld. Steintor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Halbinsel Wasserburg am Bodensee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Halbinsel Wasserburg am Bodensee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg, Chilehaus Wolkenkratzer.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg, Chilehaus Wolkenkratzer UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg. Alsterpavillon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg. Alsterpavillon UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg. Blick vom Michaelsturm auf Stadt u. Alster.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Hamburg. Blick vom Michaelsturm auf Stadt u. Alster UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heidelberg. Der Schlosshof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heidelberg. Der Schlosshof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heilbronn. Kilianskirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heilbronn. Kilianskirche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heimbach (Eifel), Felspartie Hausen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heimbach (Eifel), Felspartie Hausen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heimbach (Eifel).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Heimbach (Eifel) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Henkersteg OS Nurnberg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Henkersteg OS Nurnberg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_HOTEL BELLEVUE, DRESDEN Elbe Terrace.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_HOTEL BELLEVUE, DRESDEN Elbe Terrace UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Jena Saalepartie. Blick nach dem Hausberg color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Jena Saalepartie. Blick nach dem Hausberg color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Karlsruhe, Kleine Kirche mit Brunnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Karlsruhe, Kleine Kirche mit Brunnen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_KIEL. Koenigl. Schlob color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_KIEL. Koenigl. Schlob color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Kloster Eberbach b. Hattenheim i. Rhg. Restauration RESS.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Kloster Eberbach b. Hattenheim i. Rhg. Restauration RESS UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln - Totalansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln - Totalansicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Dom, Inneres.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Dom, Inneres UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Dombrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Dombrucke UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Hangebrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Hangebrucke UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Totalansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh., Totalansicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh. Dom, Westportal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koeln a. Rh. Dom, Westportal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_KOELN a. Rh. Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_KOELN a. Rh. Panorama UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koenig Friedrich August-Bad Klotzsche-Koenigswald.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Koenig Friedrich August-Bad Klotzsche-Koenigswald UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Kurhaus Buhlerhoehe, Buhl, Baden.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Kurhaus Buhlerhoehe, Buhl, Baden UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Landgericht und Theater color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Landgericht und Theater color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipizig Total color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipizig Total color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipzig, Blick auf das Neue Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipzig, Blick auf das Neue Rathaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipzig, Hauptbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Leipzig, Hauptbahnhof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LEIPZIG - Reichsgericht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LEIPZIG - Reichsgericht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LEIPZIG. Voelkerschlachtdenkmal color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LEIPZIG. Voelkerschlachtdenkmal color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LIMBURG A. D. LAHN. DER DOM color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_LIMBURG A. D. LAHN. DER DOM color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Cleve. Blick zur Schwanenburg color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Cleve. Blick zur Schwanenburg color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Cleve. Schwanenburg und Evangel. Kirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Cleve. Schwanenburg und Evangel. Kirche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Heimbach (Eifel).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Heimbach (Eifel) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Nideggen, Burghof, Burkturm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Luftkurort Nideggen, Burghof, Burkturm UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Mainz (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Mainz am Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Mainz am Rhein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Mainz UNC (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Mainz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Meersburg-Barenbrunnen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Meersburg a. B. Obertor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Meersburg a. B. Obertor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Munchen, Deutsches Museum.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Munchen, Deutsches Museum UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Munchen. Nationalmuseum.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Munchen. Nationalmuseum UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_MUNCHEN Das Isartor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_MUNCHEN Das Isartor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_MUNCHEN Hofbrauhaus-Hof color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_MUNCHEN Hofbrauhaus-Hof color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Neustrelitz, Schlobstrabe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Neustrelitz, Schlobstrabe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Nordstadt Reutlingen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Nordstadt Reutlingen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Nurnberg, Henkerturm mit Weinstadel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Nurnberg, Henkerturm mit Weinstadel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_NURNBERG. MAXBRUCKE MIT BURG color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Partenkirchen mit Kramer.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Partenkirchen mit Kramer UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Potsdam. Garnisonkirche, links Militarwaisenhaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Potsdam. Garnisonkirche, links Militarwaisenhaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Potsdam. Schloss Sanssouci.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Potsdam. Schloss Sanssouci UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Radium-Solbad Kreuznach color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Radium-Solbad Kreuznach color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Radium-Solbad Kreuznach Kurhaus color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Radium-Solbad Kreuznach Kurhaus color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Raststube Zum Dicken an der Saale in Mulheim-Saale damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Raststube Zum Dicken an der Saale in Mulheim-Saale damaged CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Realschule Neustadt Haardt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Realschule Neustadt Haardt UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Remagen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Rothenburg ob der Tauber.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Rothenburg ob der Tauber UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Rudolstadt. Blick vom Hain n.d. Schloss Photochrom.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Rudolstadt. Blick vom Hain n.d. Schloss Photochrom UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Sachs. Schweiz. Blick von Basteiweg auf Rathen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Sachs. Schweiz. Blick von Basteiweg auf Rathen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ Schloss Homburg, Museum des Oberbergischen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_ Schloss Homburg, Museum des Oberbergischen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_St. Goarshausen. Burg Katz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_St. Goarshausen. Burg Katz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Stadt-Theater, Vorderansicht. Aachen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Stadt-Theater, Vorderansicht. Aachen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Stuttgart. Schillerdenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Stuttgart. Schillerdenkmal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_STZVEY - Burg VEYNAU.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_STZVEY - Burg VEYNAU UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Trarbach. Gesamtansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Trarbach. Gesamtansicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Waldshut a. Hochrhein - Oberes Tor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Waldshut a. Hochrhein - Oberes Tor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Wiesbaden Schlobplatz m. Schlob u. Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_19xx_Wiesbaden Schlobplatz m. Schlob u. Rathaus U(NC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Gruss aus Bad Nauheim. Sprudel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Gruss aus Bad Nauheim. Sprudel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Gruss aus Berlin. Siegesallee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Gruss aus Berlin. Siegesallee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart, Schlossplatz mit altem Schloss.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart, Schlossplatz mit altem Schloss UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Altes Schloss.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Altes Schloss UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Hasenbergsteige.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Hasenbergsteige UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Nachtwachterbrunnen am Leonhardsplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Nachtwachterbrunnen am Leonhardsplatz UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Schlossplatz mit Herzog Christoph-Denkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_190x_Stuttgart. Schlossplatz mit Herzog Christoph-Denkmal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Alf a. d. Mosel. Panorama (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Alf a. d. Mosel. Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Alf a. d. Mosel u. Bullay.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Bohm. Schweiz. Edmundsklamm. Wehr.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Bohm. Schweiz. Herrnskretschen (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Bohm. Schweiz. Herrnskretschen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Bohm. Schweiz. Prebischtor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Bullay a. d. Mosel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Caub und die Pfalz im Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Das Volkerschlachtdenkmal bei Leipzig (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Das Volkerschlachtdenkmal bei Leipzig.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Einbringung des Banners.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Deutsches Turnfest in Leipzig. Ubergabe des Banners.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Altmarkt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Blick vom Weber Palais.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Bruhlsche Terrasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Carolabrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Cigarettenfabrik Yenidze.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Dampfschiff-Landungsplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Dampfschifflandeplatz Konig-Friedrich.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Großer Garten, Konigspalast.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Großer Garten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Hauptbahnhof Dresden-Altstadt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Hgl. Grosser Garten. Haupt-Allee mit Herkules-Gruppen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Hofkirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Konigl. Zwinger.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Konigl Schloss.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Neues Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Neumarkt Frauenkirche - Hauptansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden-Neustadt. Albert-Platz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Postplatz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Schloss Georgentor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Stadtausstellungs-Gebaude.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden - Ständehaus mit Konig-Albert-Denkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Frauen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Friedrich August-Brucke (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Friedrich August-Brucke (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Friedrich August-Brucke (4).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Friedrich August-Brucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Hauptbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Kgl. Opernhaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Konigl. Zwinger von Weber Ecke gesehen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Konigl. Zwinger Wall-Pavillon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Mit Bruhlsche Terrasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Post-Platz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden. Zwingerteich.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Dresden Stendehaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Echternach marketplats.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Edmundsklamm. Wehr.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Herrnskretschen. (Bohm. Schweiz.) Zirkelstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Igeler Saule.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Konigstein - Sächs. Schweiz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Konigstein. Sachs. Schweiz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Leipzig. Augustusplatz. Neues Theater. Mendebrunnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Leipzig. Blick vom Rathausturm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_LEIPZIG. Hauptbahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Leipzig. Mendebrunnen mit Theater.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Leipzig 12. Deutsches Turnfest.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_map of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Moseltal. Ruine Arras.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Panorama von Bullay a.d. Mosel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Prebischtor-Kegel. Bohm. Schweiz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Prebischtor. Bohm. Schweiz.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs - Boh. Schweiz - Wilde Klamm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs.-Böh. Schweiz - Prebischtor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs.-Schweiz - Schandau - Blick in das Kirnitzschtal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Boh. Schweiz - Edmundsklamm. Klammfamilie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Boh. Schweiz - Herrnskretschen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Boh. Schweiz - Vordere Bootstation. Edmundsklamm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Bohm. Schweiz. Prebischtor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz - Basteibrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz - Schrammsteine Torsteingruppe 425 m.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Der Lilienstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Felsgruppe am Lilienstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Gesammtansicht vom Luftkurort Gohrisch.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Grober Winterberg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Konigstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Konigstein mit Lilienstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Lilienstein (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Lilienstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz. Schandau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Am Prebischtor (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Am Prebischtor (3).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Am Prebischtor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Am Prebischtor check.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Basteifelsen mit dem Elbetal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz KONIGSTEIN mit Lilienstein und Elbtal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Kuhstall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachs. Schweiz Wehlen Blick in das Elbetal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz, Basteibrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Basteibrucke Lilienstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Felsengasse im Ottendorfer Grund.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Hockstein mit dem Polen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Im Uttewalder Grund.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Kirnitzschtal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Liliensteiner Grund.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Partie im Amselgrund.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen - Schweiz Rathen mit Ruine.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsen Schweiz Wehlen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Sachsische Schweiz Amselfall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Schweiz. Feste Konigstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Amphitheater.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. An der Porta Nigra.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Georgsbrunnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Hauptmarkt (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Hauptmarkt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Kaiserpalast.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Kornmarkt mit Rathaus (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Kornmarkt mit Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Moselbrucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Portal der Kirche Z. U. Liebfrauen und St. Laurentius.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Porta Nigra. Landseite.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Provinzialmuseum.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Römische Bader.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Trier. Schloss Weilerbach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_Wilde Edmundsklamm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_XII. DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Allgemeine Freiubungen der Leipziger Turnerinnen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_XII. DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Der Fahnenmarsch bei den allgemeinen Freiübungen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1900-1949_XII. DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Die allgemeinen Freiubungen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1900_Marienplatz, Munchen damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1900_Marienplatz, Munchen damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1900_Starnberg damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1900_Starnberg damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1903_Gruss aus Munchen Maximilian II.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1903_Gruss aus Munchen Maximilian II UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1903_Kellerterasse im Schloss Hohenfubingen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1903_Kellerterasse im Schloss Hohenfubingen CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1904_Berlin Denkmal Friedrichs des Grossen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1904_Berlin Denkmal Friedrichs des Grossen CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1905_Berlin Das Richard Wagner Denkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1905_Berlin Das Richard Wagner Denkmal CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1905_Coln CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1908_Koeln Partie im Volksgarten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1908_Koeln Partie im Volksgarten UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1912_Baden-Baden UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1912_Hamburg Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1912_Hamburg Rathaus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Blick auf Goettingen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Blick auf Goettingen CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Der Fahnenmarsch bei den allgemeinen Freiubungen (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Der Fahnenmarsch bei den allgemeinen Freiubungen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Dresden - Schlosshof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Dresden - Schlosshof CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Dresden - Stadthaus mit Bruehlsche Terrasse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Dresden - Stadthaus mit Bruehlsche Terrasse CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_IMG_Leipzig. Neues Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_IMG_Leipzig. Neues Rathaus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Leipzig. Eingang zum Zoologischen Garten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_Leipzig. Eingang zum Zoologischen Garten CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Potsdam. Mausoleum Kaiser Friedrich II. Eingang.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Potsdam. Mausoleum Kaiser Friedrich II. Eingang CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Sachs. Schweiz. Koenigstein mit Festung color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1913_Sachs. Schweiz. Koenigstein mit Festung color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_Place_1913_XII. DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN LEIPZIG. Goetz und Ruhl im Festzug.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1915_DONAUTAL bei Donaustauf mit Walhalla.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1915_DONAUTAL bei Donaustauf mit Walhalla CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1918_Halle a. S. Stadtischer Amtsgarten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1918_Halle a. S. Stadtischer Amtsgarten CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_MAINZ. ERKER am alten GYMNASIUM.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_MAINZ. ERKER am alten GYMNASIUM UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_Mannheim. Kaiserring.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_Mannheim. Kaiserring UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_Wiesbaden. Lutherkirche color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1919_Wiesbaden. Lutherkirche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1920_Leipzig. Johannapark mit Lutherkirche color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1920_Leipzig. Johannapark mit Lutherkirche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1921_Saarbrucken Partie vom Reppertsberg damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1921_Saarbrucken Partie vom Reppertsberg damaged CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1921_Wiesbaden. Kurhaus-Vorgarten mit Nassauer Hof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1921_Wiesbaden. Kurhaus-Vorgarten mit Nassauer Hof UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Blick auf Berlin, Gegend Gendarmenmarkt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Blick auf Berlin, Gegend Gendarmenmarkt CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Heidelberg Schlob.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Heidelberg Schlob CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig - Siegesdenkmal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig - Siegesdenkmal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig. Volkerschlachtdenkmal damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig. Volkerschlachtdenkmal damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig Neues Theater.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Leipzig Neues Theater UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Ludwigshafen am Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1922_Ludwigshafen am Rhein CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1926_Ettersburg bei Weimar. Schloss und Kirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1926_Ettersburg bei Weimar. Schloss und Kirche CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1926_Sperrmauer. Inhalt 45 Millionen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1926_Sperrmauer. Inhalt 45 Millionen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1929_Weimar CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_BAD BERTRICH. Elfengrotte.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_BAD BERTRICH. Elfengrotte UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Bertrich.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Bertrich. Marienhoehe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Bertrich. Marienhoehe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Bertrich UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Ems. Blick von der Baderlei.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Ems. Blick von der Baderlei UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Ems. Kurpromenade m. Benedetti-Stein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Ems. Kurpromenade m. Benedetti-Stein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Nassau a. Lahn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Bad Nassau a. Lahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Berncastel-Cues. Alte Hauser am Markt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Berncastel-Cues. Alte Hauser am Markt UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Berncastel-Cues. Teilan sicht m. Ruine Landshut.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Berncastel-Cues. Teilan sicht m. Ruine Landshut UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Berncastel-Cues UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Blick auf Lahneck, Ober- und Niederlahnstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Blick auf Lahneck, Ober- und Niederlahnstein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_BRAUBACH AM RHEIN.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Die Pfalz m. d. Schoenburg u. Oberwesel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Die Pfalz m. d. Schoenburg u. Oberwesel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Festung Ehrenbreitstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Festung Ehrenbreitstein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Gemundener Maar, Eifel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Gemundener Maar, Eifel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Gerolstein - Eifel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Gerolstein - Eifel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Kapellen - Stolzenfels am Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Kapellen - Stolzenfels am Rhein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Koblenz a. Rhein. Das Deutsche Eck.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Koblenz a. Rhein. Das Deutsche Eck UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Kyllburg. Blick von der schoenen Aussicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Kyllburg. Blick von der schoenen Aussicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Blick von Waidmannslust.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Blick von Waidmannslust UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Niederburg mit Niedermanderscheid.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Niederburg mit Niedermanderscheid UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Oberburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Luftkurort Manderscheid (Eifel). Oberburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Mondnacht an der Hohensyburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Mondnacht an der Hohensyburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Niederlahnstein, Rh. mit Allerheiligenberg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Niederlahnstein, Rh. mit Allerheiligenberg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Rudesheim, m.d. Zahnradb. z. Niederwald.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Rudesheim, m.d. Zahnradb. z. Niederwald UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Schalkenmehrener Maar.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Schalkenmehrener Maar UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Traben-Trarbach a. d. Mosel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Traben-Trarbach a. d. Mosel Blick auf Trarbach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Traben-Trarbach a. d. Mosel Blick auf Trarbach UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1931_Traben-Trarbach a. d. Mosel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau (Bodensee). Rosengarten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau (Bodensee). Rosengarten UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau (Bodensee) Gartnerturm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau (Bodensee) Gartnerturm UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Insel Mainau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Konstanz (Bodensee). Gesamtansicht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Konstanz (Bodensee). Gesamtansicht UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Konstanz, Insel-Hotel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Konstanz, Insel-Hotel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Meersburg a. B. Obertor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Meersburg a. B. Obertor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Meersburg am Bodensee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Meersburg am Bodensee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Meersburg UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee (2).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee. Kakteenzucht im Stadtgarten.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee. Kakteenzucht im Stadtgarten UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen am Bodensee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_UberlingenBodensee. Grober Ratssaal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_UberlingenBodensee. Grober Ratssaal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen Bodensee. Haus zur Loewenzunft.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen Bodensee. Haus zur Loewenzunft UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1934_Uberlingen UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1937_Leipzig. Altes Rathaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1937_Leipzig. Altes Rathaus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1951_Mainz am Rhein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1951_Mainz am Rhein UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1952_Hamburg, Chilehaus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1952_Hamburg, Chilehaus UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1963_Gruss aus LINDAU.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1963_Gruss aus LINDAU UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1965_Weimar. Goethehaus am Frauenplan.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_place_1965_Weimar. Goethehaus am Frauenplan CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_railway_1926_Dusseldorf. Rheinpark. Dampfeisenbahn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DE_railway_1926_Dusseldorf. Rheinpark. Dampfeisenbahn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

DZ_place_1926_BONE - Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

DZ_place_1926_BONE - Vue generale CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_ARGENTIERES Les Hotels - Le Glacier.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_ARGENTIERES Les Hotels - Le Glacier UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_Chemin de fer de Paris-Lyon LE LAUTARET.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_Chemin de fer de Paris-Lyon LE LAUTARET UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_SUPERBAGNERES La Chaine des Pyrenees.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_mountain_1903-1938_SUPERBAGNERES La Chaine des Pyrenees UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_people_1903-1938_Environs de Biarritz. Groupe de danseurs Basques.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_people_1903-1938_Environs de Biarritz. Groupe de danseurs Basques UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_people_1914_BRETONS Femme allumant sa pipe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_people_1914_BRETONS Femme allumant sa pipe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Abbeville. Vieilles maisons sur Somme.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Abbeville. Vieilles maisons sur Somme UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_AIX-LES-BAINS - Le Grand Cercle Entree color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_AIX-LES-BAINS - Le Grand Cercle Entree color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_AUXERRE - Ancienne Abbaye de Saint-Germain. Transept Nord.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_AUXERRE - Ancienne Abbaye de Saint-Germain. Transept Nord CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Avignon - Les Bords du Rhone.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Avignon - Les Bords du Rhone UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Barbizon. Hotel Charmettes.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Barbizon. Hotel Charmettes UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_BAYONNE. La Cathedrale.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_BAYONNE. La Cathedrale CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Beaulieu. Cap Roux.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Beaulieu. Cap Roux UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Blankenberghe. Le repos sur la Plage.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Blankenberghe. Le repos sur la Plage UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Bois-Colombes. La Rue de la Cote Saint-Thibault double stamp.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Bois-Colombes. La Rue de la Cote Saint-Thibault double stamp CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANCALE - Triage des Huitres.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANCALE - Triage des Huitres UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES - The Croisette Boulevard, the Beach and the Casino color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES - The Croisette Boulevard, the Beach and the Casino color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES - Vue Generale - Le Port et la Promenade des Allies.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES - Vue Generale - Le Port et la Promenade des Allies UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. La Plage, le Port et Esterel.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. La Plage, le Port et Esterel UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. Salon de The de la Croisette.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. Salon de The de la Croisette UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. Vue Generale prise du Mont Chevalier color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CANNES. Vue Generale prise du Mont Chevalier color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Chantilly. Chateau Reine Blanche.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Chantilly. Chateau Reine Blanche UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Chateau-Thierry. Panorama de la Ville.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Chateau-Thierry. Panorama de la Ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CHATEAUROUX - Vue Generale.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CHATEAUROUX - Vue Generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CHEVREUSE - Ruines du Chateau de la Madeleine - La Tour Ronde.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CHEVREUSE - Ruines du Chateau de la Madeleine - La Tour Ronde UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CLERMONT FERRAND. Eglise Notre Dame du Port.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_CLERMONT FERRAND. Eglise Notre Dame du Port UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COMPIEGNE. La Tonnelle de Napoleon Ier.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COMPIEGNE. La Tonnelle de Napoleon Ier UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COTE AZUR a vol Aeroplane.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COTE AZUR a vol Aeroplane UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COTE AZUR vol aeroplane de NICE and MENTON.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_COTE AZUR vol aeroplane de NICE and MENTON CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_DEAUVILLE - PLAGE FLEURIE - Normandy-Hotel color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_DEAUVILLE - PLAGE FLEURIE - Normandy-Hotel color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_DEAUVILLE Royal Hotel et le Jardin.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_DEAUVILLE Royal Hotel et le Jardin UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Dieppe. Le casino.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Dieppe. Le casino UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Epinal. Vue general.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Epinal. Vue general UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_EVIAN-les-BAINS, Etablissement Thermal vu de la Jetee.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_EVIAN-les-BAINS, Etablissement Thermal vu de la Jetee UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_EZE-sur-MER. Vue de la Grande Corniche color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_EZE-sur-MER. Vue de la Grande Corniche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_GRANVILLE. Le Plat Gousset.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_GRANVILLE. Le Plat Gousset UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Grenoble. Palais Justice.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Grenoble. Palais Justice UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Grenoble. Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Grenoble. Vue generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Hazebrouck. Hospice bombarde.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Hazebrouck. Hospice bombarde UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Huates-Vosges. Grand Hotel Hohneck (2).jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Huates-Vosges. Grand Hotel Hohneck (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Huates-Vosges. Grand Hotel Hohneck.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Huates-Vosges. Grand Hotel Hohneck UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Hyeres. Vue general.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Hyeres. Vue general UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_La Bourboule. Grand Hotel Paris.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_La Bourboule. Grand Hotel Paris UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_La Bourboule. Vue General.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_La Bourboule. Vue General UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lamotte-Beuvron. Pavillon Pasteur damaged.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lamotte-Beuvron. Pavillon Pasteur damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lamotte-Beuvron. Sanatorium des Pins damaged.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lamotte-Beuvron. Sanatorium des Pins damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Le Havre. Place Gambetta.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Le Havre. Place Gambetta UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LE MONT-SAINT-MICHEL. Pecheurs des Greves et Coquetieres. Fishing for Shell-fish.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LE MONT-SAINT-MICHEL. Pecheurs des Greves et Coquetieres. Fishing for Shell-fish UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lille. Grand Place.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lille. Grand Place UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lourdes. Entree Sanctuaire color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lourdes. Entree Sanctuaire color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Louvre. Jardins.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Louvre. Jardins UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON - Place Bellecour et Coteau de Fourviere color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON - Place Bellecour et Coteau de Fourviere color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Palais de Justice color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Palais de Justice color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Panorama sur la Saone color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Panorama sur la Saone color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON. Panoramic View color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON. Panoramic View color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON. Parc de la Tete Or - Vue sur le Lac color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_LYON. Parc de la Tete Or - Vue sur le Lac color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Pont Ainay.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Lyon. Pont Ainay UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - Coucher de Soleil, le chateau If et les lles color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - Coucher de Soleil, le chateau If et les lles color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - La Corniche - La Pointe de Maldorme color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - La Corniche - La Pointe de Maldorme color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Marseille - Le Fort St. Jean color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Marseille - Le Fort St. Jean color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - N. D de la Garde - Caserne du Fort color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - N. D de la Garde - Caserne du Fort color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - Place de la Bourse.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE - Place de la Bourse UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE. Le Palais Longchamp. Lonchamp palace color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MARSEILLE. Le Palais Longchamp. Lonchamp palace color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Marseille. Rue Republique.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Marseille. Rue Republique UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MENTON. Vue prise de Garavan color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_MENTON. Vue prise de Garavan color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Meudon color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Meudon color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Mont-St-Michel east side.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Mont-St-Michel east side CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nantes. La Bourse.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nantes. La Bourse UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - La Terrasse II et Quai color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - La Terrasse II et Quai color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Le Jardin Albert 1er et les Hotels.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Le Jardin Albert 1er et les Hotels UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Nouveaux Jardins - Jetes Promenade.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Nouveaux Jardins - Jetes Promenade UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Un Coin du Jardin Albert 1er color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Un Coin du Jardin Albert 1er color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Vue panoramique prise du Chateau color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE - Vue panoramique prise du Chateau color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Coucher de soleil.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Coucher de soleil UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nice. Entree du Port et le Mont-Boron.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nice. Entree du Port et le Mont-Boron UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Le Jardin Albert Ier et la Jetee Promenade color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Le Jardin Albert Ier et la Jetee Promenade color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nice. Promenade des Anglais color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Nice. Promenade des Anglais color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue generale prise du Chateau color (2).jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue generale prise du Chateau color (2) UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue generale prise du Chateau color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue generale prise du Chateau color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue prise entre les Fleurs color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_NICE. Vue prise entre les Fleurs color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Parc de St-CLOUD. La Grille Entree sur la place Armes.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Parc de St-CLOUD. La Grille Entree sur la place Armes UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Paris. Hotel Cluny.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Paris. Hotel Cluny UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Paris. Hotel Regina hall.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Paris. Hotel Regina hall UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PAU_Pyrenees color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PAU_Pyrenees color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PERIGUEUX - Eglise Saint-Etienne de la Cite.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PERIGUEUX - Eglise Saint-Etienne de la Cite UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PERIGUEUX - La Cathedrale St-Front - Abside.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_PERIGUEUX - La Cathedrale St-Front - Abside UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Riviera Super-Cannes color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Riviera Super-Cannes color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_ROANNE - Hotel de Ville color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_ROANNE - Hotel de Ville color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Rocamadour UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Roen. La Cathedrale et Quais.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Roen. La Cathedrale et Quais UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Rouen. Vue general.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Rouen. Vue general UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_ROYAT - Golf de Charade et le Puy-de-Dome.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_ROYAT - Golf de Charade et le Puy-de-Dome UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-CLOUD - La Mairie.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-CLOUD - La Mairie UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-JACUT-DE-LA-MER. Hotel Biord-House.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-JACUT-DE-LA-MER. Hotel Biord-House UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Saint-Malo. Le Casino.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Saint-Malo. Le Casino UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-MALO. Le Fort National Maree haute.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_SAINT-MALO. Le Fort National Maree haute CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_TOULON - A Magaud - Le Debarcadere.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_TOULON - A Magaud - Le Debarcadere UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Toulon. Vue General color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Toulon. Vue General color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Toulose. Jardin Plantes color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Toulose. Jardin Plantes color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_TROUVILLE-SUR-MER - Vue generale de la plage.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_TROUVILLE-SUR-MER - Vue generale de la plage UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. La vernada du casino.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. La vernada du casino UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. Le casino.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. Le casino. Salle de Jeux.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. Le casino. Salle de Jeux UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Vichy. Le casino UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_VICHY. Source Chomel 43o.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_VICHY. Source Chomel 43o UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Villafranche_Saone. Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_19xx_Villafranche_Saone. Vue generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_191x-EPERNAY - Travail du Vin de Champagne - L'Emballage.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191x-EPERNAY - Travail du Vin de Champagne - L'Emballage UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191x_COSNE - Pont du Chemin de fer P-O. sur la Loire..jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191x_COSNE - Pont du Chemin de fer P-O. sur la Loire. UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1901_AUXERRE. Musee et Bibliotheque.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1901_AUXERRE. Musee et Bibliotheque CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1901_Saint-Mihiel - La Maison du Roi.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1901_Saint-Mihiel - La Maison du Roi CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1902_Cascade Chateau color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1902_Cascade Chateau color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Abbaye HAUTECOMBE Le Sanctuaire et le Tombeau d'Aymon le Pacifique postmark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Abbaye HAUTECOMBE Le Sanctuaire et le Tombeau d'Aymon le Pacifique postmark UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-les-BAINS (Savoie). L'Etablissement Thermal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-les-BAINS (Savoie). L'Etablissement Thermal color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-les-BAINS (Savoie). L'Etablissement Thermal color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-les-BAINS (Savoie). L'Etablissement Thermal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-LES-BAINS. Vue generale et le Lac du Bourget.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AIX-LES-BAINS. Vue generale et le Lac du Bourget UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ANGERS (M.-et-L.) Vue generale sur la Maine.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ANGERS (M.-et-L.) Vue generale sur la Maine UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ANGERS. Maison d'Adam. Antique Logis du XVII.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ANGERS. Maison d'Adam. Antique Logis du XVII UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ASNIERES. La Grande-Rue et la Rue de Paris.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ASNIERES. La Grande-Rue et la Rue de Paris UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON - Le Pont Saint-Benezet rounded edges.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON - Le Pont Saint-Benezet rounded edges UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. - Le Monument du Centenaire color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. - Le Monument du Centenaire color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Le Palais des Papes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Le Palais des Papes UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Le Pont Saint-Benezet et la Vallee du Rhone.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Le Pont Saint-Benezet et la Vallee du Rhone UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Palais des Papes. Salle des Grandes Audiences.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_AVIGNON. Palais des Papes. Salle des Grandes Audiences UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Banlieue du Puy Les Orgues d'Espaly.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Banlieue du Puy Les Orgues d'Espaly UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ - Cote des Basques - Les Bords de l'Ocean.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ - Cote des Basques - Les Bords de l'Ocean UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ - La Pointe du Phare et la Roche Ronde percee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ - La Pointe du Phare et la Roche Ronde percee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ Le Port des Pecheurs - Vue sur l'Attalaye.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BIARRITZ Le Port des Pecheurs - Vue sur l'Attalaye UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOIS de PAIOLIVE Vallee du Chassezac.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOIS de PAIOLIVE Vallee du Chassezac UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BORDEAUX. Les Quais. Le Pont Transbordeur.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BORDEAUX. Les Quais. Le Pont Transbordeur UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. La Statue de Jenner.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. La Statue de Jenner UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. Vue d'ensemble du Chateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. Vue d'ensemble du Chateau UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-sur-MER La Cathedrale. Stavenard edit. Boulogne.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-sur-MER La Cathedrale. Stavenard edit. Boulogne UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-sur-MER La Procession dans la Grande Rue.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_BOULOGNE-sur-MER La Procession dans la Grande Rue UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CALAIS. Hotel de Ville. The Town-Hall.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CALAIS. Hotel de Ville. The Town-Hall UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CANNES. Quai Saint-Pierre.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CANNES. Quai Saint-Pierre UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CAUTERETS H.P. Cascade et Pont du Lutour.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CAUTERETS H.P. Cascade et Pont du Lutour UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CHAMPAGNE DELBECK, REIMS color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CHAMPAGNE DELBECK, REIMS color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CHATELLERAULT. Vue generale LL pub.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CHATELLERAULT. Vue generale LL pub UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Clermont-Ferrand - Le Grand Restaurant du Gastronome et la Cathedrale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Clermont-Ferrand - Le Grand Restaurant du Gastronome et la Cathedrale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Cote d'Emeraude SAINT-MALO Vue Generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Cote d'Emeraude SAINT-MALO Vue Generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CUSY Route d'Aix-les-Bains en Bauges. Le Pont de l'Abime color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_CUSY Route d'Aix-les-Bains en Bauges. Le Pont de l'Abime color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DAUPHINE - Couvent de la Grande Chartreuse - Le Cloitre postmark.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DAUPHINE - Couvent de la Grande Chartreuse - Le Cloitre postmark UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Dinan - Entree du Jerzual.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Dinan - Entree du Jerzual UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DUNKERQUE. L'Hotel de Ville et la Rue de l'Eglise.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DUNKERQUE. L'Hotel de Ville et la Rue de l'Eglise UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DUNKERQUE. Panorama de la Ville pris du Beffroi.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_DUNKERQUE. Panorama de la Ville pris du Beffroi UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_En Foret, Luchon-Superbagneres, l'Hiver.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_En Foret, Luchon-Superbagneres, l'Hiver UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Env. de Perpignan - CANET-PLAGE. Le Casino.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Env. de Perpignan - CANET-PLAGE. Le Casino UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Environs du PUY. Le Lac du Bouchet.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Environs du PUY. Le Lac du Bouchet UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_EPERNAY - LA CHAMPAGNE - Travail du Vin de Champagne - L'Entrelisage.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_EPERNAY - LA CHAMPAGNE - Travail du Vin de Champagne - L'Entrelisage UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Evian-les-Bains. Jardin Anglais et Dent d'Oche color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Evian-les-Bains. Jardin Anglais et Dent d'Oche color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_FONTAINEBLEAU. Le Palais Le Musee Chinois.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_FONTAINEBLEAU. Le Palais Le Musee Chinois CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du Loup. Vue prise du Gourdon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du Loup. Vue prise du Gourdon UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du Loup Le Pont de l'Abime.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du Loup Le Pont de l'Abime UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du TARN (Lozere) - Les Vignes - La Roche Aiguille.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Gorges du TARN (Lozere) - Les Vignes - La Roche Aiguille UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Grande Arche, Garabit, Cantal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Grande Arche, Garabit, Cantal UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_GRENOBLE. - L'Isere Ile d'Amour et les Alpes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_GRENOBLE. - L'Isere Ile d'Amour et les Alpes UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Grottes de DARGILAN - Les Orgues.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Grottes de DARGILAN - Les Orgues UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_HENDAYE. - Chateau Abbadie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_HENDAYE. - Chateau Abbadie UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_HONFLEUR. La Lieutenance.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_HONFLEUR. La Lieutenance UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_JUAN-les-PINS (Alpes-Maritimes) COTE D'AZUR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_JUAN-les-PINS (Alpes-Maritimes) COTE D'AZUR UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Kriegsobilder. Zerstorte und wieder aufgebaute Brucke bei Chauvenci.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Kriegsobilder. Zerstorte und wieder aufgebaute Brucke bei Chauvenci UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA BOURBOULE. - Le Parc Fenestre. - Le Lac.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA BOURBOULE. - Le Parc Fenestre. - Le Lac UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA BOURBOULE et les Monts Dore - Vallee de la Dordogne.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA BOURBOULE et les Monts Dore - Vallee de la Dordogne UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LACAVE - Les Trois Parques.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LACAVE - Les Trois Parques UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_La Cite de Carcassonne - Vue Generale du Sud.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_La Cite de Carcassonne - Vue Generale du Sud UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA COTE D'AZUR Sous-bois d'olivier color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA COTE D'AZUR Sous-bois d'olivier color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA TURBIE Route de la Corniche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LA TURBIE Route de la Corniche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE HAVRE. Vue generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE HAVRE. Vue generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE MONT-DORE. - Panorama vu de la Grande Cascade.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE MONT-DORE. - Panorama vu de la Grande Cascade UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE PUY. - La Cathedrale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE PUY. - La Cathedrale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE PUY. - LE ROCHER SAINT-MICHEL LL pub.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LE PUY. - LE ROCHER SAINT-MICHEL LL pub UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LES BAUX Fenetre renaissance ruine d'un temple protestant color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LES BAUX Fenetre renaissance ruine d'un temple protestant color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Les Orgues de MONTRODEIX, pres au Puy de Dome.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Les Orgues de MONTRODEIX, pres au Puy de Dome UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LES PYRENEES. LUZ-SAINT-SAUVEUR. Le Pont Napoleon color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LES PYRENEES. LUZ-SAINT-SAUVEUR. Le Pont Napoleon color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Les Pyrenees MONT-LOUIS.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Les Pyrenees MONT-LOUIS UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LISIEUX Rue aux Fevres, printed on the back.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LISIEUX Rue aux Fevres, printed on the back UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Louvre PALAIS DE FONTAINEBLEAU - Chambre de Marie Antoinette.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Louvre PALAIS DE FONTAINEBLEAU - Chambre de Marie Antoinette UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LUYNES L'Aqueduc Romain.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LUYNES L'Aqueduc Romain UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Lyon - Le Palais des Arts.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Lyon - Le Palais des Arts UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LYON. - Vue generale sur la Saone, prise du Restaurant Gay.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_LYON. - Vue generale sur la Saone, prise du Restaurant Gay UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE - Quai de la Fraternite.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE - Quai de la Fraternite UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Cathedrale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Cathedrale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Corniche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Corniche UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Fontaine Estrangin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. La Fontaine Estrangin UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. Le Fort Saint-Jean.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MARSEILLE. Le Fort Saint-Jean UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Menton. Le Jardin Public color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Menton. Le Jardin Public color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MENTON. VIEILLE RUE. OLD STREET color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MENTON. VIEILLE RUE. OLD STREET color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_METZ - Place du Roi Albert avec Monument Deroulede et Tour Camoufle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_METZ - Place du Roi Albert avec Monument Deroulede et Tour Camoufle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_METZ. La Poste Centrale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_METZ. La Poste Centrale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MONTPELLIER Le Vieux Cirque du Lac - L'Amphore damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_MONTPELLIER Le Vieux Cirque du Lac - L'Amphore damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NANTES. L'Hotel de Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NANTES. L'Hotel de Ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NANTES panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NANTES panorama UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NICE Jardin Albert.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NICE Jardin Albert UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NIMES - Le Pont du Gard.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NIMES - Le Pont du Gard UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NOGENT-SUR-MARNE. La Place de la Mairie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_NOGENT-SUR-MARNE. La Place de la Mairie UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_O'Connor Giraudy's Hotel, NICE color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_O'Connor Giraudy's Hotel, NICE color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ORLEANS - Jeanne d'Arc, par Le Vell.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ORLEANS - Jeanne d'Arc, par Le Vell UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ORTHEZ. - EGLISE ST-PIERRE.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ORTHEZ. - EGLISE ST-PIERRE UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_PAU. Vue sur la Chaine des Pyrenees.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_PAU. Vue sur la Chaine des Pyrenees UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_RIVIERA PALACE, MENTON - UNE ALLEE DU PARC color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROC-AMADOUR. Chemin de l'Eveque-de-Tulle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROC-AMADOUR. Chemin de l'Eveque-de-Tulle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Rocamadour color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Rocamadour color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Rochr Corneille LE PUY-en-VELAY.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Rochr Corneille LE PUY-en-VELAY UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROYAT - Interieur de la Grotte du Chien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROYAT - Interieur de la Grotte du Chien UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROYAT. Interieur de la vieille Eglise.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_ROYAT. Interieur de la vieille Eglise UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-MALO - La Greve du Bon-Secours.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-MALO - La Greve du Bon-Secours UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-MALO - Phare de la Tour du Jardin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-MALO - Phare de la Tour du Jardin UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Saint-Remy (B.-du-R.). Interieur de Ferme.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Saint-Remy (B.-du-R.). Interieur de Ferme UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-SAUVEUR. La Colonne de l'Aigle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAINT-SAUVEUR. La Colonne de l'Aigle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Saint Remy-de-Provence - L'Arc de Triomphe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Saint Remy-de-Provence - L'Arc de Triomphe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAVOIE TOURISME Environs d'Aix-les-Bains.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_SAVOIE TOURISME Environs d'Aix-les-Bains UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Sommet du PUY-de-DOME - Ruines du Temple de Mercure.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Sommet du PUY-de-DOME - Ruines du Temple de Mercure UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_STRASBOURG Le Monument Pasteur.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_STRASBOURG Le Monument Pasteur UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_TOULOUSE - Eglise St-Sernin - Le Maitre-Autel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_TOULOUSE - Eglise St-Sernin - Le Maitre-Autel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Toulouse - La Basilique St-Sernin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Toulouse - La Basilique St-Sernin UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_TOURS (I-et-L.) La Basilique St-Martin.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_TOURS (I-et-L.) La Basilique St-Martin UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Valence - La Fontaine Monumentale et le Boulevard Maurice-Clerc.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_Valence - La Fontaine Monumentale et le Boulevard Maurice-Clerc UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VENCE (A.M.) - Portail et Place du Peyra.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VENCE (A.M.) - Portail et Place du Peyra UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VERDUN Ses Ruines. La Porte Chaussee.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VERDUN Ses Ruines. La Porte Chaussee UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VICHY - La Place de l'Hotel-de-Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VICHY - La Place de l'Hotel-de-Ville UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VILLEFRANCHE-sur-MER. Quai de la Marine.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903-1938_VILLEFRANCHE-sur-MER. Quai de la Marine UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903_Arras. Chapelle de la Citadelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1903_Arras. Chapelle de la Citadelle CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1904_Strasbourg. ANCIEN CHATEAU.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1904_Strasbourg. ANCIEN CHATEAU CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_Exposition Universelle de Liege. Le Palais de Art Ancien.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_Exposition Universelle de Liege. Le Palais de Art Ancien UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_Le Havre. Hotel Continental.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_Le Havre. Hotel Continental CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_REIMS. Eglise Saint-Remi.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1905_REIMS. Eglise Saint-Remi CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1907_Chateau de Maintenon - Facade sud-ouest et cour honneur.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1907_Chateau de Maintenon - Facade sud-ouest et cour honneur CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1908_ARGENTEUIL. L'Eglise de la Colonie.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1908_ARGENTEUIL. L'Eglise de la Colonie CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1908_Lourdes. La Basilique.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1908_Lourdes. La Basilique CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1908_Soulac-sur-Mer. Cote Argent.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1908_Soulac-sur-Mer. Cote Argent CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1909_PARIS. Le Trocadero Palace color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1909_PARIS. Le Trocadero Palace color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_CLERMONT-FERRAND. Statue Vercingetorix.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_CLERMONT-FERRAND. Statue Vercingetorix CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_PARIS - Val-de-Grace - Eglise.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_PARIS - Val-de-Grace - Eglise CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_TROYES - Panorama Ouest (Vue prise de la Madeleine).jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1910_TROYES - Panorama Ouest (Vue prise de la Madeleine) CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1912_NICE - La Grotte des Nouveaux Jardins et Casino color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1912_NICE - La Grotte des Nouveaux Jardins et Casino color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1912_Suvesnes. Le pont color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1912_Suvesnes. Le pont color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1913_CHALONS-SUR-MARNE. Place de l'Hotel de Ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1913_CHALONS-SUR-MARNE. Place de l'Hotel de Ville CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1913_Golf Hotel, Hyeres.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1913_Golf Hotel, Hyeres CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1913_LYON - Monument de la Republique - Place Carnot color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1913_LYON - Monument de la Republique - Place Carnot color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_Alecon. Vue sur Sarthe.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_Alecon. Vue sur Sarthe CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_CHALENCON. Village pittoresque.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_CHALENCON. Village pittoresque UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_MARSEILLE - La Basilique de Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_MARSEILLE - La Basilique de Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde color CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_NEVERS. - Ecole Professionnelle Superieure et le Jardin Potager.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_NEVERS. - Ecole Professionnelle Superieure et le Jardin Potager UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_RETOURNAC (Haute Loire) - Vue Generale.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_RETOURNAC (Haute Loire) - Vue Generale UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_RETOURNAC. Route de Craponne et de Tiranges.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_RETOURNAC. Route de Craponne et de Tiranges UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1914_VINCENNES - Hopital Militaire Begin.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1914_VINCENNES - Hopital Militaire Begin CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1916_S. Etienne. La Place, le Monument Girodet.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1916_S. Etienne. La Place, le Monument Girodet UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1918_CHATELLERAULT (Vienne) - Eglise St-Jean-l'Evangeliste.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1918_CHATELLERAULT (Vienne) - Eglise St-Jean-l'Evangeliste UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1919_Lyon. Les ponts sur Saone militaire color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1919_Lyon. Les ponts sur Saone militaire color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1919_MONTELIMAR. Vue generale. Au fond Carrieres.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1919_MONTELIMAR. Vue generale. Au fond Carrieres UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1919_Reims. Place Marches.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1919_Reims. Place Marches UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1920_BRIGUE. Avenue de la Gare.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1920_BRIGUE. Avenue de la Gare CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1921_Environs d'Aix-les-Bains.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1921_Environs d'Aix-les-Bains UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1926_BARBIZON (S.-et-M.) Grande Rue - Les Pleiades.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1926_BARBIZON (S.-et-M.) Grande Rue - Les Pleiades UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1926_Beaune. Hotel Dieu.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1926_Beaune. Hotel Dieu CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1926_Strasbourg - Cathedrale - Portail Saint-Laurent.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1926_Strasbourg - Cathedrale - Portail Saint-Laurent UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1928_MARSEILLE Cours Belsunce.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1928_MARSEILLE Cours Belsunce CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1930_NICE - Les Mouettes autour du Palais de la Jetee.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1930_NICE - Les Mouettes autour du Palais de la Jetee CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1931_Cannes. Le port.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1931_Cannes. Le port CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1933_Perpignan. Castillet.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1933_Perpignan. Castillet CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1934_BIARRITZ - Le Port Vieux et le Chateau Basque.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1934_BIARRITZ - Le Port Vieux et le Chateau Basque CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1934_COLOMBES - Les Arches du nouveau Pont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1934_COLOMBES - Les Arches du nouveau Pont CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon Norvege.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon Norvege CIR.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon Suisse.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon Suisse UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon URSS color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1937_Paris Expo. Pavillon URSS color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1940_Marseille. Vieux-Port color.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_1940_Marseille. Vieux-Port color UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

FR_place_191938_Monument des Girondins, par Dumilatre. Bordeaux.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191938_Monument des Girondins, par Dumilatre. Bordeaux CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191938_Tours (I.-et-L.). Cathedrale Saint-Gatien.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_place_191938_Tours (I.-et-L.). Cathedrale Saint-Gatien UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_profession_1903-1938_TROUVILLE, la Reine des Plages - Pecheurs.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_profession_1903-1938_TROUVILLE, la Reine des Plages - Pecheurs UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_profession_1911_La Vie Champetre - La Recolte des Pommes de terre.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

FR_profession_1911_La Vie Champetre - La Recolte des Pommes de terre CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

IR_place_190x_College Green, Dublin color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

IR_place_190x_College Green, Dublin color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Coo. La Cascade et panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. Grand Hotel Baron.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. Grand Hotel des Ardennes.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. La Cascade et le pont en bois. Coo..jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. La Sure. Giberius.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. La Sure.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. Palais de Justice.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. Panorama pris de la Bardi. Ch. Bernhueft.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Diekirch. Vue generale prise du Bardt. Giberius.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Echternach. Trosskneppchen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Kleine Luxemburger Schweiz. Die Rauberhöhle bei Kerzen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Kleine Luxemburger Schweiz. Die Robley in der Leiverdell bei Echternach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Kleine luxemburger Schweiz. Felsblock am Wege.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Kleine luxemburger Schweiz. Felsblock am Wege von Echternach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Kohlscheuer-lez-Consdorf. Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Larochette. Edit. Buchler-Reuland.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg. Faubourg de Clausen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_LUXEMBOURG. Palais Grand-Ducal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg bridge.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Die Alzette im Pfaffenthal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Entree de la ville.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Le nouveau Pont.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Porte du Pfaffenthal.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Viaduc et vallee de la Petrusse.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxembourg Ville haute et faubourg du Grund.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxemburg. Kleine Schweiz. Eingang zur Teufelsschlucht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Luxemburger Kleine Schweiz. Der Totenkopf.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Mullerthal. Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Hotel Nau-Grechen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Petite Suisse luxembourgeoise. Dans la breche du diable.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise. Goldfraley.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Petite Suisse luxembourgeoise. Rochers de la Kohlscheuer avec entrees.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Petite Suisse luxembourgeoise. Wolfsschlucht.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse luxembourgeoise. Chute de Erp.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse luxembourgeoise. Interieur de la Goldfraley.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse luxembourgeoise. Partie pres de Eulenburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse Luxembourgeoise. Rochers pres de Eulenburg.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse Luxembourgeoise. Route de Berdorf Grundhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse Luxembourgeoise. Sentier de Consdorf.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Suisse luxembourgeoise. Winterbach.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Chateau Vianden. Schlob Vianden.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Das Bildchen wird in feierlicher Prozession getragen.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Exterieur de la chapelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Interieur de eglise. Inneres der Kirche.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. La crypte. Unterkirche. Die Kapelle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. La gare. Der Bahnhof.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. La grande cave.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Le Faubourg. Die Vorstadt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Le pont. Die Brucke.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Les ruines vues du Belvedere. Vogelschau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Limberg und Malborget. Heugewinnung bei Falkenstein.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. NEUKIRCHE.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Vu du cote de la gare. Sudseite mit Stadt.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden. Vue de Our am Hockelsturm.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden Chateau Panorama.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Vianden vu du Chateau.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

LU_Place_1900-1949_Weilerbach. Ch. Bernhoeft.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Chimney Climb, Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Chimney Climb, Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Cup & Saucer, Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Cup & Saucer, Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Flured Column, Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Flured Column, Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Leaf Climb, Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Leaf Climb, Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Long Chimney, Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Long Chimney, Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Long Traverse Almscliff Crag.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_climbing_1908_The Long Traverse Almscliff Crag UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_humor_19xx_THE LAST BUS HOME color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_humor_19xx_THE LAST BUS HOME color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_humor_1905_No Fishing Allowed, So Hook It.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_humor_1905_No Fishing Allowed, So Hook It CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_market_1904_THE COFFEE STALL color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_market_1904_THE COFFEE STALL color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_market_1916_STREET SCENE, KILLARNEY color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_market_1916_STREET SCENE, KILLARNEY color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_military_19xx_Dipping the Colours to Royalty color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_military_19xx_Dipping the Colours to Royalty color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_military_1911_Le Couronnement du Roi Georges V.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_military_1911_Le Couronnement du Roi Georges V UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_painting_1903_Rough Sea and New Palace Pier, Brighton color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_painting_1903_Rough Sea and New Palace Pier, Brighton color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_painting_1903_Rough Sea color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_painting_1903_Rough Sea color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_BEAUTIFUL HAMPSHIRE color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_BEAUTIFUL HAMPSHIRE color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_BLACKBURN UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Boscastle Harbour and Profile Rock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Boscastle Harbour and Profile Rock UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Boscastle Harbour Profile Rock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Boscastle Harbour Profile Rock UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_CANTERBURY, The West Gate.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_CANTERBURY, The West Gate UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Canterbury Cathedral, East.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Capstone Hill, Ilfracombe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Capstone Hill, Ilfracombe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Chichester Cathedral.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Chichester Cathedral UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_CLOVELLY UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Coldingham Youth Hostel.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Coldingham Youth Hostel CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Convent of Adoration Reparatrice, 28 Beaufort Street, Chelsea, London.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Convent of Adoration Reparatrice, 28 Beaufort Street, Chelsea, London UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Craigmillar Castle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Craigmillar Castle UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Exeter Cathedral color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Exeter Cathedral color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Higher Elementary School, Blackburn.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_High Street, Clovelly.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_High Street, Clovelly UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Hillsborough from Capstone Parade.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Hillsborough from Capstone Parade UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Ilfracombe, Coast and Bathing Pool.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Ilfracombe, Coast and Bathing Pool UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Ilfracombe from Hillsborough.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Ilfracombe from Hillsborough UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LEWISHAM ROAD color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LEWISHAM ROAD color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON, - The Empire and Leicester Square.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON, - The Empire and Leicester Square CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ LONDON, KINGSWAY color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ LONDON, KINGSWAY color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London, The Embankment.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London, The Embankment UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London, The Horse Guards.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London, The Horse Guards UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON - Hyde Park, The Serpentine damaged.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON - Hyde Park, The Serpentine damaged UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London - Thames Embankment.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London - Thames Embankment UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London. Bank of England.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_London. Bank of England UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON. Imperial Institute.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LONDON. Imperial Institute UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LULWORTH COVE.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_LULWORTH COVE UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Lynton, Devon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Lynton, Devon UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Lynton Valley of Rocks.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Lynton Valley of Rocks UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Manchester Grammar School corridor.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Manchester Grammar School corridor UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Manchester Grammar School library.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Manchester Grammar School library UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Oban from West.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Oban from West UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_On the West Cliff.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_On the West Cliff CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Reading, Friar Street.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Reading, Friar Street UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_Place_19xx_Ripon Cathedral from S.E..jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_Place_19xx_Ripon Cathedral from S.E. UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Royal Sunbridge Wells, Mount Pleasant.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Royal Sunbridge Wells, Mount Pleasant UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Rozel Bay, Jersey.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Seven Arches, Adel, near Leeds.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Seven Arches, Adel, near Leeds UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Brelade Bay, Jersey.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Brelade Bay, Jersey UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Helier, Jersey.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Helier, Jersey UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ST. HELIER looking E., JERSEY.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ST. HELIER looking E., JERSEY UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ST. HELIER looking WEST, JERSEY.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_ST. HELIER looking WEST, JERSEY UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Michael Mount, Penzance color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_St. Michael Mount, Penzance color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Stirling Castle from Kings Knott.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Surf Boat Disaster Memorial, Margate color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Surf Boat Disaster Memorial, Margate color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Swan Hotel, Horning.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Swan Hotel, Horning CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Aquarium, Brighton.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Aquarium, Brighton UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Double Lift, Folkestone color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Double Lift, Folkestone color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Harbour, St. Helier, Jersey.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Harbour, St. Helier, Jersey UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Mansion, Roundhay Park, Leeds color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Mansion, Roundhay Park, Leeds color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_The Tors & Town from Capstone Parade, Ilfracombe.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Tintagel, Lye Rock.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Tintagel, Lye Rock UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Tintagel UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Town Hall, Berwick-on-Tweed.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Town Hall, Berwick-on-Tweed UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_19xx_Higher Elementary School, Blackburn UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_19xx_MANSION HOUSE, DONCASTER UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_19xx_Rozel Bay, Jersey UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_19xx_Stirling Castle from Kings Knott UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_19xx_The Tors & Town from Capstone Parade, Ilfracombe UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_Canterbury Cathedral, East UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_UK_place_TOTNES UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_VENTNOR FROM EAST.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Windermere Lake from the Ferry Road.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_19xx_Windermere Lake from the Ferry Road UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_Dover Castle.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_Dover Castle CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_London Bridge color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_London Bridge color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_Oxford Street, London color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_190x_Oxford Street, London color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_192x_Market Place, Huddersfield.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_192x_Market Place, Huddersfield UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Hastings. Carlisle Parade color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Hastings. Carlisle Parade color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Littlehampton, from the Pier.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Littlehampton, from the Pier CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Rough Sea and Pier.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1901_Rough Sea and Pier CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1902_Farrow on the Hill.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1902_Farrow on the Hill CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Ilkley - Cow and Calf Rocks color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Ilkley - Cow and Calf Rocks color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_London Tower Bridge color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_London Tower Bridge color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_National Gallery and St. Martin's Church, London.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_National Gallery and St. Martin's Church, London CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Promenade, Lower End, Cheltenham.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Promenade, Lower End, Cheltenham CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_The Harbour, Bridlington.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_The Harbour, Bridlington CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Valley of Desolation color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1903_Valley of Desolation color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1904_Sandringham House (East Front).jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1904_Sandringham House (East Front) UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1904_The Pier, Herne Bay.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1904_The Pier, Herne Bay CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_baggeridge color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_baggeridge color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Bridgnorth, High Street color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Bridgnorth, High Street color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Broadstairs Sands color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Broadstairs Sands color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_JERSEY - Queen's Statue.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_JERSEY - Queen's Statue CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_London Regent Street.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_London Regent Street CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Public Library, Saling, Essex.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Public Library, Saling, Essex CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Recreation Ground, Hastings.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_Recreation Ground, Hastings CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_St-Helier Harbour.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1905_St-Helier Harbour CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1906_Paper Mill Lane, Standon.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1906_Paper Mill Lane, Standon CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1906_Sheffield Moor Head.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1906_Sheffield Moor Head CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_London - Houses of Parliament.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_London - Houses of Parliament CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_Parker's Ferry, Surbiton.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_Parker's Ferry, Surbiton CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_The Esplanade and Beach, Sandown.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1907_The Esplanade and Beach, Sandown CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1908_Clifton Downs, Bristol color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1908_Clifton Downs, Bristol color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1909_HASTINGS. The Pier and Sands.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1909_HASTINGS. The Pier and Sands CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1909_Ripley Castle I.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1909_Ripley Castle I CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Barry Docks.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Barry Docks CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Cardiff Dock Offices & Entrance.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Cardiff Dock Offices & Entrance CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Clarence Bridge, Cardiff color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_Clarence Bridge, Cardiff color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_The Pier, Worthing.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1910_The Pier, Worthing CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_THE DOCKS, CARDIFF.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_THE DOCKS, CARDIFF CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_THE FORTH BRIDGE, from South Queensferry color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_THE FORTH BRIDGE, from South Queensferry color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_The Kirk Wynd, Kirkcaldy color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1911_The Kirk Wynd, Kirkcaldy color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1912_London - Piccadilly Circus.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1912_London - Piccadilly Circus CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1914_Fishery, Maidenhead color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1914_Fishery, Maidenhead color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1915_St. John Gardens, Liverpool.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1915_St. John Gardens, Liverpool CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1933_Greetings from Northampton.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1933_Greetings from Northampton CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1935_FILEY, LOOKING NORTH.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_place_1957_London CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_profession_19xx_THE FREE HARVEST OF THE NEW MOWN HAY color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_profession_19xx_THE FREE HARVEST OF THE NEW MOWN HAY color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_railway_1911_London & North Western Railway Irish Mail color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_railway_1911_London & North Western Railway Irish Mail color CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_railway_1960_Thomas, Henry, Edward and James are all very good friends color.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_railway_1960_Thomas, Henry, Edward and James are all very good friends color UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_ship_1905_Princess Landing Stage, Liverpool.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_ship_1905_Princess Landing Stage, Liverpool CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_ship_1913_The Pool of London.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

UK_ship_1913_The Pool of London CIR.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

US_place_19xx_STANHOPE Hotel Fifth Avenue at 81st Street, New York.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

US_place_19xx_STANHOPE Hotel Fifth Avenue at 81st Street, New York UNC.jpg
(Jan 12, 2025)

VN_place_19xx_Cairang. La marche.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

VN_place_19xx_Cairang. La marche UNC.jpg
(Jan 19, 2025)

BE_Place.zip 69.31 MiB
FR(149).zip 83.45 MiB
UK.zip 47.87 MiB